It was cold today, Sarah went to a training in Parc des Bastions at around 10am, and the girls and I followed her out a few minutes later in the pushchair. My life! What a shock it was to the big one when she realised would have to walk in the weather, instant application was made to get in the pushchair. When we got the Parc des Bastions it was really too cold to hang around outside so we found the nearest cafe and cowered from the cold.
We try to get some fresh air in the girls everyday, which should mean they get a run around in the fresh air. Unfortunately the little one was so put out by a horrid cold that we decided the rest of the day would be spent indoors. I'm glad to say that she is now back on form whilst Mummy sings her "There was an Old Lady..." The afternoon was spent playing with the Brio train set and making cookies, a lot of fun in our little flat. Though I was left wondering at one point what was there in Geneva that we could have done on a cold Saturday afternoon in the middle of winter. Perhaps we haven't looked hard enough to find these things out.
Do let us know if you find out anything better to do with small children on a cold winter's Saturday afternoon- after four years we're still asking ourselves the same question...