It appears the main aim of shops in Geneva is to be closed when you need them most. I assume the convenience Manor was referring to in their customer announcement was the convenience of getting home in time for your tea, or to get your kids into bed, or avoid the traffic perhaps, how nice of them!
When you walk past a sole trader business in Geneva they usually have their opening hours hanging on a little sign in the door way. Reading through the opening hours they usually look something like this:
Lundi Ferme
Mardi a Vendredi
9h a 17h
8h30 a 17h30
Closed on Mondays is unfortunately, let's face it, an annoying manifestation of living in Geneva. If this was some silly arcane law that no-one had yet got round to sorting out, that would at least be bearable, but sadly, no. This irritation is a choice, restated only recently.
In January this year the Genevoise rejected a law that would have extended opening hours in retail, creating more jobs and making lives easier for thousands of people who want to go shopping at a time convenient to the lives. Instead retail employees objected to having to longer opening hours leading to more employment and the opportunity to earn more money. They argued that a change in the law would destroy families and family values. In the poll the Genevoise chose to keep shops shut on Sundays, and hold the city back in the dark ages.
Of course Dimanche does not appear on the sign at all. This subtle and wonderful element of Geneva's opening hours assumes you know the shop is closed on Sundays. The logic for leaving Sunday off the sign is that, you, the customer, know the shop is not open on Sundays. In fact, the shops seem to say "what are you doing looking in our window, step away from the glass, nothing to see here, get lost we're closed!"
None of which helps us at all and means we have to spend / waste two hours of our Saturday dragging the big one and the little one around the supermarket. It's not exactly the fun family activity you want to have to plan for a weekend. Talk about supporting family values!!
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