Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Banksy for a day

Big one does masterpiece
Cite du Temps, that solitary building that sits in the middle of the Rhone, is running an exhibition of street art until 6th March. I have walked past the building countless times, and every time wondered what on earth it was for, I am still hardly any the wiser on that score. But I have to say that if the other exhibitions it puts on are close to as good as this, I might pay it more attention.
On Sunday we took the girls to have a look. On the first floor, in a small gallery are about a dozen canvases  most of them neatly divided into sixths, and in each square an inspired  member of the public has painted their idea of the world outside. Brilliantly there were still a few blank canvases, so with paint brush in hand, we went wild with our primary colours.
Mummy had a slightly panicked look on her face as the big one wielded her paint brush, seemingly oblivious to our pleadings not to mix everything in to a muddy brown nor to go out side the lines marking our square. With deft skill Sarah was able to maintain some level of coherence over the painting and it's highly abstract nature is different from the stick men and women that were the fare of many of the paintings by the other street artists. I would deem it a masterpiece. Sadly the exhibition finishes this coming weekend, otherwise I would say that our dilemma of what to do on a Sunday afternoon had been solved with a brilliant combination of fun stuff to look at and fun stuff to do.


  1. Impressive! I see the Picasso influence, definitely!. Do you get to keep your painting once the exhibition is finished? I'd frame it if I were you!


  2. They stayed up in the Cite du Temps, I think the girls went back in the week to view them. Don't know what happened to them after the exhibit closed.
