Friday, 19 November 2010

Settling in to school

My eldest daughter is coming to the end of the "adaptation" at her French language nursery and from Monday will attend from first thing in the morning until 2pm, alternate days of the week. There have been a few tears, and a few bribes to get her to actually leave the house, but it seems where there are other kids, lots of toys, and bright shiny rooms, kids will settle pretty quickly.
On Wednesday when I dropped her off for her first session on her own one of the nursery nurses told me off for hanging around too long. I didn't understand what was said in French, but the tone was obvious. I don't really think of myself as a parent anxious about his kids going to day care, but I certainly got that drop-off . Today I was back out the door before she could finish putting her slippers on.
Unsurprisingly for a city like Geneva, or perhaps just unsurprisingly, given the world we live in, there are a few children who don't have French as a first language, but the teachers reassure us that they pick up the language very quickly and become fluent within a couple of months. To me that is terrifying.  I have spent two thirds of my life learning German and I am no where near fluency, let alone faultlessness, where as my daughter will pick up her first foreign language in around 8 weeks. Obviously we are talking fluent for a three year-old here, but she has to start somewhere.

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