Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Falling into the lap

Suddenly there is a nursery with space available for the eldest, and a reasonably priced, decent nanny on the horizon, where yesterday neither of these things existed. Best of all the nursery is French as a first language, which means she will get to "learn French".
I have been told, and seen with my own eyes, that until at least the age of five children don't differentiate the different languages they hear at school and in the home. Whether she knows it's a foreign language, and whether she is actually learning it I don't know.  
The other day I found her reciting "une, deux, trois ... comme ci comme ca". Where she picked this up we, her parents, have no idea. Beyond a couple of visits to some drop-in play centres I can't think when she's met other kid who would speak French. Clearly kids can learn a fair amount in a simple situation where they are arguing over who gets to push the dollies.  Well, in just a few days time she will be able to do that all day without the supervision of Papa.

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